Saturday 16 January 2016

Zoro's swords up to date

Zoro's swords

Well....Zoro's swords have been changing since the beginning. As all of you know, Zoro uses Santoryuu (three sword style). the combination of swords have been changing from the beginning...which might sound quite a while ago. Don't worry, here below i will put down the "life history" of his swords.

Before saying Zoro's story of swords, i will say you how the swords are rated. I will start with something called "Meito". it simple words, defined as the status of a sword. But there is more to it. 

  • "Often warriors who lose in battle would have their meito taken from them by the victor, thus losing their honor alongside it as to lose a meito is to disrespect the honor of wielding it."

Rating of swords

Starting from Most skillful to the least skillfull, they are rated  as;;

12 Saijo O Wazamono Grade Swords.

These are the most skillful swords. There are twelve Supreme Grade Swords. The known swords in this category are two ;

  1. Yoru:- As you might know, this sword is used by Dracule Mihawk. Many believe that it's the demon slayer sword. 
  2. Shodai Kitetsu:- This sword hasn't been shown yet in the story but was mentioned. 
Note: Kitetsu swords are a range of swords made by Kitetsu himself. All the swords made by him are said to be cursed and are known to bring a horrible death to the users. some people say that demons live in the swords.

21 O Wazamono Grade Swords.

These are second in line in the hierarchy and are 21 in number. The known ones are;

  1. Wado Ichimonji- given by kuina to zoro
  2. Shusui- Given by Ryuma to zoro
  3. Nidai Kitetsu- This isn't shown yet, but like shodai kitetsu, was mentioned and was made by kitetsu himself and is also cursed.

50 Ryo Wazamono Grade Swords

These swords are third in ranking and are fifty in number. the known ones include;
  1. Kashu;- Taken by Tashigi from Mr.11 of barouque works.
2. Yubashiri:- actually belonged to the sword shopkeeper's(Ippon matsu) family, he handed it over to zoro.
3. Yamaoroshi:- It was taken by Tashigi from billy at Loguetown.

Wazamono Grade Swords

These are fourth in hierarchy.known ones include;
  • Shigure;- used by tashigi

  • Sandai kitetsu:- given by Ippon matsu(shopkeeper) to Zoro

 Story of Zoro's swords:-

  • In the beginning, zoro got the Wado Ichimonji sword which belonged to kuina,by asking her dad(Zoro's master). till today zoro uses it with utmost importance and keeps it in his mouth while, to sum up, he had the wado ichimonji and two normal swords.

  • During the Baratie Arc, while fighting Mihawk, his two conventional swords get broken in a flash, by Mihawk. However, Wado ichimonji remains.

  • During Loguetown Arc, Zoro gets into a sword shop. he doesn't have money. at a corner in a barrel, lie many cheap swords. it then gets revealed that they are cheap because they are cursed and cause the user's death. but, zoro liked a sword. it was the Sandai Kitetsu. Zoro then tests his luck by throwing it in the air and see whether it cuts his hand or not , to test his luck. 

He was lucky and his hand didn't get cut off. so, he keeps it. seeing the spirit of a true swordsman in zoro, Ippon matsu(shop keeper) gives him the sword of their family heirloom ...the " Yubashiri". so, to sum up after loguetown, he had three swords. the Wado ichimonji, Sandai kitetsu and the Yubashiri.
  1. Wado Ichimonji (21 o wazamono)
  2. Sandai kitetsu (wazamono)
  3. Yubashiri ( 50 Ryo wazamono)

  • During the Enies lobby arc, Shu destroys Yubashiri.

  • During the thriller bark arc, he faces Ryuma's zombie who had Brook's shadow. Zoro fights and defeats him. Watching zoro's spirit and the fact that he lost, Ryuma passes on his sword to Zoro. this sword was "Shusui". Yubashiri got replaced by Shusui. So,to sum up, he now has Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui 
    Zoro catching Shusui, given by Ryuma.
  1. Wado Ichimonji (21 o wazamono)
  2. Sandai Kitetsu  (wazamono)
  3. Shusui  (21 o wazamono)
  • This was his final combination in Santoryu.

  • Mihawk has the Yoru, which is of the "12 saijo wazamono" level. so i guess, for zoro to become Mihawk level, he should get the sword, "Shodai Kitetsu" which is also of the "12 saijo wazamono" level. 
  • Zoro now has Sandai Kitetsu of the Kitetsu blades. I guess , sometime in the story,he will get Nidai kitetsu and finally the Shodai Kitetsu.  
  • Some people predict that one of the Gorosei has a Kitetsu blade. it may be true..might be nidai or shodai
Anyways, Wano arc is up ahead.. and is called as the land of samuris. hope we get to know a lot there about swords. this brings an end to my theory. hope you all liked it.

Thursday 22 October 2015

One piece manga 804 review

An Adventure one the back of an elephant

Well, a chapter coming off  after two weeks was quite a cracker, this week's chapter was quite amazing with introductions being made to the new arc, zou. Oda's clever,he made us say arc for everything bcz zou turned out to be an elephant and he wanted to reveal it by a surprise. this chapter included a lot of things to be discussed....lets have a look;

  • The falling thing.(just to be precise :P)
It turned out that the flying thing wasn't raizou but a weird monkey kind creature making a ninja-ic sound, i guess it is related to Raizou, maybe a summoning of him, or he just did a tranformation-no jutsu. But, when we see the first(short) mink, she says," lesser minks have entered, did bariete lose?" the last letters are ete, the ninja sound, so bariete could be this creature..if so, then he's with the minks. we also came to know that the creature could speak human language, when franky said that he heard an unfamiliar tone. 

  • Zoro and Trafalgers' stance
Both of them had a same attitude after reaching atop Zou, it could indicate that both the strawhats and heart pirates are well versed and aren't going to ditch one another...not atleast in this arc. the co-operation is apparent.

  • The 'City-scape'
When luffy goes onto the top, we get to see the view of the apparently ruined city. One of the astonishing thing was that of a huge tree at the centre, it was actually a giant fish. Maybe it got all cyanosed and trees started coming off on the end, the second mink(carrot) mentions Whale's forest , so maybe that spot is Whale's forest considering the fact that it looks like that...and the flowers here look like a disco ball, exactly spherical and shiny. I guess there is a good concept behind the formation of all these bcz, in the previous arc's like skypiea and sabaody, Oda has built the islands perfectly in accordance to the scientific this arc could also be explained in a similar way.

  • Transport elements on Zou
The mode of transport here i guess, is the crocodile kind creature, we saw it twice, first when sheep-head confronted the curly hat pirates and now when carrot comes up. It was being foreshadowed by oda since long ago,,, on the colored cover pages wherein strawhats sit on the crocodiles...

  • We see that the Gates were forced open and paths were wide
I guess that it was all a result of sheep-head's doings previously that lead to it being wide. probably by the crocodile kind thing used in transport, which are basically huge animals.

  • Minks' jolly roger;
Last time, when sheep head got knocked out, we see a jolly roger on him, everyone speculated that it is of Kaidou(including me), but i'd consider it on a second preference. my first preference would be Minkmen..i guess the jolly is of minkmen bcz they live on elephant, hence the horns and if we observe it carefully, we see a 'M' written on it. M for minkmen ...maybe.

  • And great Kudos to Luffy senpai for just wandering off.
Everytime luffy does this, it gets interesting yet humorous of what he might come across. maybe he discovers some-thing/one and gets to know of the place's history etc..or he comes across onikuu (Xd)

  • Presence of poneglyph?
After watching all the ruins and considering the fact that zou has a history of 1000 years, there might well be a poneglyph here. probably revealing why the elephant ended up this way. Roger might have talked to it, in luffy's crew, chopper might be the one to do so.

  • God Usopp's reaction on the weirdness of zou.
It was quite hilarious when usopp says," wont we ever end up at a peaceful place?" 

  • Were those clothes nami's?
Absolotuly nope. because the last time we see her, she's in a completely different attire. Oda just had to find a way to end the chapter with the readers' jaw wide open, and hence this..i guess.

That brings an end to the review of this week's manga chapter, it was quite good, hope the next one's are going to be the same too.. and yeah, i guess jimbei will be joining the strawhats at Wano probably and so seriously, no new strawhats on this arc. Because on the cover story, we see jimbei say that he's got a new pain of Kimono. which probably highlights Wano's culture as seen through the colored cover pages. and i guess he's bringing the new found poneglyph too.(apparently). do feel free to let me know of what you feel about the 'happenings'. meet you next time.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Theory:-All You need to know of blackbeard

All you need to know of Blackbeard 

To start off with  my theory, let me tell you how Oda bases the story of one piece, he bases some of them with illuminati;;; 
 for example, lets look at this; 

this picture is from where the gorosei reside,have a look;
What you can basically see is sure horrifying, the roofs and walls are all equipped with the Illuminati-c symbols. 

There's this author who many of you might know, Dan brown. he said about Illuminati and much about them in the book "Angels and Demons", he's a writer with high research skills into dark organisations. so, i guess Oda is a Dan brown fan.

Even i am his fan, i read his books... there's another of Dan brown's book called as the Inferno. And i say,that the character Marshall D Teach AKA Blackbeard is derived from a part of this book. 

  • Lets start off with Blackbeard's jolly roger, it has three skulls, which hints that his body, though it appears single, behaves as three ultimately. two facts confirm it;

  • First up,We already know that Marco said, BB has an atypical body.
  • Secondly, as Jinbei said, BB pirates are after men with potential devil fruits. BB already has two devil fruits, the tremor-tremor of Whitebeard and the other which he stole from thatch.(Yami-Yami no mi) but he still has one body without devil fruit(genetically) and that could be the reason why the BB pirates are after potential devil fruit users.
Now, coming to Dan Brown's Inferno, the lead character, Robert Langdon and her compatriot Dr.Brooks, come across a weird cylindrical artifact, on which there's a picture carved, the 'The three headed horned Satan' is the carving's name. At another instance, on the same page, it is also mentioned as 'three headed man eating Satan'

Read the second paragraph.

This is the other part.

Now, what does that symbol represent? Langdon says that it represents the plague that occurred during the middle ages in parts of Europe(called Black Death), the three heads represent the frequency by which people were dying(hence the name man eating satan). he also says that, after the period of  plague, came an event which almost every other high school student might know, the "Renaissance" /Rebirth.........

Coming to one piece, currently the Whitebeard era has ended and its now the Blackbeard Era. I guess that Blackbeard Era represents the period of plague due to the fact that the symbol has three heads. And i guess , the period of Renaissance/Rebirth represents Luffy's era, as he aspires to become the pirate king. that will be the period where people of the world will experience they'll be free from the world government's clutches.

I'm afraid of blackbeard going after Sabo because BB admires Ace's devil fruit but, Sabo has dragon by his side...and i dont really think that BB pirates are going to wage a war against the revolutionaries, BB would atleast be cautious of dragon. and i guess Oda has made Revolutionaries as rebels to world government so eventually they'll fight it out with the marines....the revolutionaries might have been derived from the Bolsheviks of Russia which were lead by Lenin. So i don't really think of a BBs vs revolutionaries war in near future.

Blackbeard as a kid was quite depressed as drawn by Oda in SBS. Maybe his parents discarded him or he might have had dreams which the other people didn't beliece of...and therefore maybe they mocked him several times. that's why i guess he had this long speech saying that dreams are boundless and other sorts of stuff to luffy,zoro,nami at Mocktown after Luffy got mocked by bellamy pirates....So, maybe Blackbeard was mocked in a similar way during his childhood, Which led him to pursue things at any cost in darkest of dark ways....

That bring an end to my theory of what Blackbeard might possibly be, if you have to say something of which you believe, let me know in the comments below.

Monday 28 September 2015

One piece manga 801 review

Opening declaration...

This weeks chapter was amazing, the amount of revelations being made sure freaked everyone out. There were a lot of unexplained thing too.. and with sanji's poster reading "only alive" on the last page, that really made a perfect end. not just that, page. 01 ,cipher pol agis 0,,,,, rob lucci is back .Whattey chapter!

  • Starting off with cipher pol agis 0, we see rob lucci with his new beard style and funny spandam too.
Lots of them thought that he was going to leave the cipher pol. but it seems that he's working with the cp itself. we get a panel where they mention about the revolutionaries and the smuggling of guns. it remains to be seen of what happens to them.... maybe while leaving island, they'll see doflamingo arriving..?

  • Doflamingo talking about the story of one piece.
Doflamingo finally talks about the family of D and their apperance for the greatest war of all times. So the theory of what many think one piece actually almost turning out to be true.the revelations are step by step..and gradual.

  • Jack's appearance
        First up, i think jack is axe- hand morgan, the one from the first arcs or it might also turn out to be bluejam of the blue jam pirares beacuse his face looks somewhat burned, but i am sure we've seen this character before, otherwise, in his last panel , he would'nt have said "Who do you think i am"  and i      also guess, he is allied to kaido...bcz his subordinate is wearing an attire similar to the person whom chopper saw last time..the kaido underling.

 Reasons for jack being axe-hand Morgan;
  1. He has the same thing fixed on his jaw as morgan
  2. The first time morgan was introduced, probably in the early chapters, he was introduced by his eye itself... like jack
  3. Many of the former characters have rose to prominance in the coby,buggy,albida,helmeppo, crocodile probably...and many as such...hinting that morgan might turn out to be jack
  4. When oda drew morgan for the first time, he was a bit different..somewhat like helmeppo... he had to redraw him into the present morgan because the producers had told him to do so. so, oda has worked much on that character, guess he is going to bring back morgan. the picture is like..this;

  • Doflamingo's rescue
I guess jack's rescuing doflamingo, but one thing is certain, he wont return to dressrosa..obviously. the story is being framed that way. i guess Bellamy might help them in rescue or something because he still hasn't taken off doffy's jolly roger off his body. and he was specifically shown after the doflamingo panel, in the luffy flashback of distributing viv're card. So, it might turn up that way. Or maybe doflamingo's string clone is still controlling him? i guess not. 

  • New bounties!!!
   Bounties were quite good luffy on top with 500 million, zoro with 320 and the most hilarious one, "god,usopp" seeing god on it was hilarious, earlier he had sogeking, now god?  but one thing is certain, yasopp will notice usopp for the first time on bounties.

Chopper's increasing from 50 to 100 berries...was good too[cotton candy lover xd]

  • Sanji's wanted poster.

       This was sanji's first appearance on the bounty picture too. first time, it was duval ersembling picture , the second time, he hid his face , now finally gets captured... and now Black leg Sanji is just wanted alive...? I guess , fellow youtuber, Alpha2late17 explained it all in a crystal clear way....i guess sanji's role resembles that of musa/moses. because he was born in nobles,now going against them.  I dont think sanji is a gorosei's son but he could be the heir to lvneel kingdom from where law and norland come from.

 His facial features are quite amusing as well, before timeskip, he had one eyebrow exposed and after timeskip, another one exposed instead of the other. next chapter is going to be exciting. Its exciting when oda bases the current stories on the events even happening like, at the beginning of the storyline..

I guess that makes up this week's review, this chapter was good, maybe the next chapter , even better.... meet you next week.

Monday 7 September 2015

One piece manga 799 review

Parent and child

Chapter 799, as predicted, was just amazing..... And as predicted in the last review, the Colosseum fighters have allied the strawhats, not just that , the prediction about ship's' had come exactly true. This chapter didn't really include any such suspicious things, but still, it might give quite a few hints about the future... Lets discuss chapter in series;

  • Fujitora vs Luffy 
The fight started off with luffy attacking fuji( with pity) by announcing beforehand on where he was attacking.. bcz, he felt fuji was blind and mercy has to be shown upon,but fuji then reveals that the blindness was the consequence of his own actions.....

Now, guess what might have made him do so? I guess he was grown up in a region where a shichibukai was stationed. Because smoker, while speaking to fuji in flashback, says " i know that feel man, ive been in alabasta under crocodile for two years"  so maybe fuji has gone through the same thing or something even worse..... and the reason why he hates warlord system here makes sense.

what about the 'red dog' akainu? what about fujitora's fate? marine fans, dont worry fuji isnt going to be fired from the marines, bcz the last time we've seen akainu, he was talking to the gorosei. the gorosei made it clear that he weakened the ,marines by ousting kuzan AKA Aokiji, so i possibly guess he wouldn't fire fuji.. maybe he just warns him or something like that.

  • Luffy getting allies...
This was quite expected in the storyline,,,, considering what we've seen upto now in dressrosa. Oda wanted this to happen, because i guess the strawhats and co. will deal with kaido and his huge army of artificial devil fruit users. The pattern in which they were introduced in the chapter was amazing(they decided by lottery Xd) this makes sure that no one is above the other in the allies therefore maintaining co-ordination among themselves...

And after the kaido war, maybe zoro will hand over the pieces of luffy's vivre card (which sabo gave him) to the allies...  i guess ,the only time after this when we will see all the allies again after kaido war will be during the final war(possibly with blackbeard or anti-D people i.e the world govt.)  

  • Bartholomeo's another fanboy trait sighted. 
So basically, i've heard that 56 in japanese means gomu. and we've seen that bart's crew has exactly 56 members..( Gomu) not just that... while introducing about various allies, the anchor was bart himself, he says " and the total no of soldiers amounts to about  5600" Him, using the word about and making it an approx. of 5600 is of no wonder ( GOMU- GOMU NOO) well, it's hilarious to see bart such fanboy kind....Xd.

  • Prediction about Strawhats' future encounters and theory.
I guess, they will leave from here to where drake is( bcz he works for kaido and the island is possibly wano, the wano thing was said by Youtuber RogersBase, wherein he spotted bonsai trees in background.. citing that it is wano- basically samurai kingdom...bonsai making sense)

And the fact that kanjuro and his friend are travelling with us, says that the next arc is wano. 

One more thing which makes this clear is this picture,,,

This was when X-Drake's crew visits a snowy island..when suddenly sharp ice blocks fall on them. It then gets revealed that some huge automative stucture is present on the island, out of which this wierd guy[Left] comes out(  i believe, he's a kaido underling, protecting one off the territories.)

Why i believe that (strawhats minus curlyhats) are going here because, this guy looks like franky might fight him in the future probably while entering the island. 

And i believe , the strawhats are not going to meetup with the curlyhats for quite a while. because the island they landed on, had a different terrain. And as per thousand sunny point of view too, i guess luffy and co. on YONTA MARIA makes perfect sense. because, luffy and co. on thousand sunny makes them un-connected with the allies.. i believe, they might meet up the curlyhats only after/during Kaido war,( bcz they leave the Yonta maria at that time)

And i dont really understand one thing. Kaido is somewhere else, his men are somewhere else. Kaido landed out of and Island where urouge was present. his men are where X-drake is present? or where curly hats are present?. what's going onn?????

if this is the case, the strawhats are fighting Kaido's men and kidd-apoo-hawkins alliance are fighting with kaido i guess.

But my theory does not suit a whole army coming onto a partially isolated place (in this pic) the fact that they're going with a fleet ...huge fleet( Yonta Maria) could mean that they are going to give an entry into something like a 'spotlight area'. And right now the only such place is where kaido's  there....appearing outta nowhere infront of kidd-apoo-hawkins alliance. 

  • This is another theory..
have a look at this, from the curly hats' team;

Doesn't this  look like kaido ? it maybe his jolly roger?  and one more thing, at the end, chopper says'" we dont have a moment to spare".

 So maybe there's a huge kaido army present on that island and they need serious help.. this could be when the Yonta maria makes a heroic entry, and save them by starting one of the most brutal wars upto now. This theory makes some sort of sense. 

Well, this was all what i could put up, if you find any strong hints hinting to the future in  op, do mention in the comments below. It'll be glad when we some up things together. next up is chap 800 guys, get ready to be flabbergasted , Oda is upto some serious stuff..
  i guess; the next chapter will be the continuation of the curly hat   team.
Meet you the next next week ( Xd). 

 Btw, Fujitora acknowledging luffy was just superb, wherein he says, " i wish i could not have blinded myself, so that i could see how you look like just what do you look like, mugiwara?" 


Friday 28 August 2015

One piece manga 798 review


How was 798? well, it was just hype.I guess everyone liked this week's chapter, more specifically , the last panel and also because, the timeline of events was paced quickly, therefore i guess oda is trying to bring up something big at chap 800. This chapter never left the readers paranoid, there were no unexplained things, however, based on the panel's we've seen, we could infer quite a lot;;

  • Leo stitching up the navy ships and tontatta teamwork;
                                                                     This made one thing clear, navy is not going to follow the strawhats and co. after escaping from fujitora.  So, all of em' can have a calm journey at the end. If Leo would'nt stitch up the ships, the story would have become a mess. so, oda made it clear by this panel.

  •  Navy knowing that Law is a D.

Sengoku now knows that law is a D and more specifically,

Trafalgar D Waltel Law

I guess oda made it on purpose( saying just law earlier and then a D to it later)  after this arc, during the update on the pirates' bounties,the newspaper headline may read, " The power of D or something like that " i dont know , but i certainly know that oda did it on purpose.

Another important thing;

  • Colosseum warriers are allying to the Luffy+Law alliance.
                                                                          I am 100% sure of it. Because , in one panel, we see tsuru trolling fujitora/maynard, by saying ' do you still need reinforcements?'  and the result turned out that reinforcements we really not needed at the east coast.
We know that the Colosseum fighters just fight the marines underlings or even one grade higher rank marines, but atleast not the admiral. Moreover Luffy has arrived and slammed him at his face. so, no marine underlings/ no maynard,,,, They are escaping with the alliance. 

  •  Formation of Alliance.
Another thing that makes the alliance clear is, 

In a panel, we see sai (happo navy leader) saying "hurry to the Ships" ; ship with an 's' . i guess all of them travel together to the next arc, where they may even encounter the so called, Kaidou's army too

However , it could also mean that they could part ways since there are multiple ships.  roger never had any alliance and had a pure 'Will of D'. so,
i guess luffy might also not have an alliance but rather something like battle of edd might happen to his crew(including thousand sunny); Just like what happened to Roger's crew.

The alliance, if formed, might look roughly like given below, (excluding brownbeard)

I guess that was all to be discussed in this chapter, if you have something in your mind, let me know in the comments below. 
See you next week.

Saturday 22 August 2015

One piece manga 797 review/ future prediction.


Oda Sensei..... Well, after two weeks of anticipation for the new chapter, the chapter getting released might have sounded low for op fans, but Oda did what he actually had to do, he just ended the long lasting Dressrosa arc in a meaningful way, of course, its the chap no. 797, he might have decided to end up the arc by 800, with that being assumed, he might  have decided to go slow on the storyline....anyways, the chapter was interesting toward the end and included quite interesting topics to discuss to,,,

Lets start off with the discussions;

  • First off, one thing was made clear by this chapter, neither of the dressrosa residents are going to become the strawhats. rebecca will live with Kyros hereafter. Viola is set to become the queen. Rebecca and Viola were strong contenders for the next strawhats, but this chapter made it clear.. so it leaves s off with bartholomeo and bellamy. 
But i don't think bartholomeo will be joining the strawhat crew. because of the facts that ;

  1. He has his own crew.
  2. He is a strawhat pirate die hard fan, so he probably might just end up being allies.
  3. I doubt his compatibility with the normal strawhat behavior.He just might travel with strawhats for a while till wano/zou or till the luffy/law alliance exists.
  4. Moreover, jinbei/jimbei is being foreshadowed to be the next strawhat. the theory was given by Youtube channel, "One piece japanese theory", is a concrete theory on jimbei becoming the next(10th) strawhat. there are pictures  of him with some kid clinging to him who's wearing a jersey no. 10 indicating that he might become the 10th strawhat.

  • 'Marines getting unconscious!!!', This was probably not the conqueror's haki, what might it be? I guess it was done by the tontattas, i think manshelly injected something special made by leo in marines' blood while doing out the donation work,saving luffy and rebecca  as a way of showing gratitude (maybe... )
It could also be doflamingo's doing, many speculate that doflamingo is still there and will be revived at some point because he has his body strings infused in artificial devil fruits. and i guess kaido found out about that and wants to come up against doflamingo. but it is still not too possible.

  • Trafalger D Waltel Law missing!! , where else could he go to?
Its pretty obvious that he has some business left to do with Sengoku, it was apparent as.... when luffy+law etc.. woke up after days' sleep, Law was quite astonished to know that sengoku was there. Maybe he wants to share something about Corazon. 

Or law might be planning a great escape strategy for the pirate alliance with his room power.

  • Fujitora approaching!!! ( Bart's expression was hilarious btw. Xd)
I'm pretty sure that if at all luffy and fujitora meet, the fight will last no longer( its already 797) and Oda might not plan on extending the super long lasting arc. Maybe because of some super planned exit strategy or Jimbei giving a heroic entry, luffy might leave dressrosa with the rest of alliance.

Well, that was all which could be discussed, if i missed something, do mention in the comments below. See you next week :D .