Friday 28 August 2015

One piece manga 798 review


How was 798? well, it was just hype.I guess everyone liked this week's chapter, more specifically , the last panel and also because, the timeline of events was paced quickly, therefore i guess oda is trying to bring up something big at chap 800. This chapter never left the readers paranoid, there were no unexplained things, however, based on the panel's we've seen, we could infer quite a lot;;

  • Leo stitching up the navy ships and tontatta teamwork;
                                                                     This made one thing clear, navy is not going to follow the strawhats and co. after escaping from fujitora.  So, all of em' can have a calm journey at the end. If Leo would'nt stitch up the ships, the story would have become a mess. so, oda made it clear by this panel.

  •  Navy knowing that Law is a D.

Sengoku now knows that law is a D and more specifically,

Trafalgar D Waltel Law

I guess oda made it on purpose( saying just law earlier and then a D to it later)  after this arc, during the update on the pirates' bounties,the newspaper headline may read, " The power of D or something like that " i dont know , but i certainly know that oda did it on purpose.

Another important thing;

  • Colosseum warriers are allying to the Luffy+Law alliance.
                                                                          I am 100% sure of it. Because , in one panel, we see tsuru trolling fujitora/maynard, by saying ' do you still need reinforcements?'  and the result turned out that reinforcements we really not needed at the east coast.
We know that the Colosseum fighters just fight the marines underlings or even one grade higher rank marines, but atleast not the admiral. Moreover Luffy has arrived and slammed him at his face. so, no marine underlings/ no maynard,,,, They are escaping with the alliance. 

  •  Formation of Alliance.
Another thing that makes the alliance clear is, 

In a panel, we see sai (happo navy leader) saying "hurry to the Ships" ; ship with an 's' . i guess all of them travel together to the next arc, where they may even encounter the so called, Kaidou's army too

However , it could also mean that they could part ways since there are multiple ships.  roger never had any alliance and had a pure 'Will of D'. so,
i guess luffy might also not have an alliance but rather something like battle of edd might happen to his crew(including thousand sunny); Just like what happened to Roger's crew.

The alliance, if formed, might look roughly like given below, (excluding brownbeard)

I guess that was all to be discussed in this chapter, if you have something in your mind, let me know in the comments below. 
See you next week.

Saturday 22 August 2015

One piece manga 797 review/ future prediction.


Oda Sensei..... Well, after two weeks of anticipation for the new chapter, the chapter getting released might have sounded low for op fans, but Oda did what he actually had to do, he just ended the long lasting Dressrosa arc in a meaningful way, of course, its the chap no. 797, he might have decided to end up the arc by 800, with that being assumed, he might  have decided to go slow on the storyline....anyways, the chapter was interesting toward the end and included quite interesting topics to discuss to,,,

Lets start off with the discussions;

  • First off, one thing was made clear by this chapter, neither of the dressrosa residents are going to become the strawhats. rebecca will live with Kyros hereafter. Viola is set to become the queen. Rebecca and Viola were strong contenders for the next strawhats, but this chapter made it clear.. so it leaves s off with bartholomeo and bellamy. 
But i don't think bartholomeo will be joining the strawhat crew. because of the facts that ;

  1. He has his own crew.
  2. He is a strawhat pirate die hard fan, so he probably might just end up being allies.
  3. I doubt his compatibility with the normal strawhat behavior.He just might travel with strawhats for a while till wano/zou or till the luffy/law alliance exists.
  4. Moreover, jinbei/jimbei is being foreshadowed to be the next strawhat. the theory was given by Youtube channel, "One piece japanese theory", is a concrete theory on jimbei becoming the next(10th) strawhat. there are pictures  of him with some kid clinging to him who's wearing a jersey no. 10 indicating that he might become the 10th strawhat.

  • 'Marines getting unconscious!!!', This was probably not the conqueror's haki, what might it be? I guess it was done by the tontattas, i think manshelly injected something special made by leo in marines' blood while doing out the donation work,saving luffy and rebecca  as a way of showing gratitude (maybe... )
It could also be doflamingo's doing, many speculate that doflamingo is still there and will be revived at some point because he has his body strings infused in artificial devil fruits. and i guess kaido found out about that and wants to come up against doflamingo. but it is still not too possible.

  • Trafalger D Waltel Law missing!! , where else could he go to?
Its pretty obvious that he has some business left to do with Sengoku, it was apparent as.... when luffy+law etc.. woke up after days' sleep, Law was quite astonished to know that sengoku was there. Maybe he wants to share something about Corazon. 

Or law might be planning a great escape strategy for the pirate alliance with his room power.

  • Fujitora approaching!!! ( Bart's expression was hilarious btw. Xd)
I'm pretty sure that if at all luffy and fujitora meet, the fight will last no longer( its already 797) and Oda might not plan on extending the super long lasting arc. Maybe because of some super planned exit strategy or Jimbei giving a heroic entry, luffy might leave dressrosa with the rest of alliance.

Well, that was all which could be discussed, if i missed something, do mention in the comments below. See you next week :D .

Saturday 8 August 2015

One piece manga 796 review

Soldier-san's decision.

Well, a lot did happen in this week's manga, it left us quite a lot hints about who's going to join the strawhats and the aftermath of the 'super' long lasting dressrosa arc. 

Before starting off with the sequence, note what was much astonishing;
  • The whole dressrosa arc was such huge but we forget one main thing ' All of it happened in one single day'. yesterday's chapter had something written on the first page, " after 2 days" and the last weeks chapter had " after 1 days". dressrosa fight+2days+1day= 4 days .  
What's the fuss about these four days? .try to remember , just three days ago , the strawhats were at the fishmen island where they ecountered big mom's men. what did they say, "we have tea party in just 4 days" isn't it? and imagine big mom opening the fishman island treasure box and getting trolled like OMG! . The whole thing indicates one main thing, here they valued caeser more than the tea party. what could possibly make them to?

  • The whole dressrosa arc upto now has been similar to the alabasta arc, with a schichibukai(warlord) , kingdom status, king , the daughter... and on and on. How do we relate to this  chapter? we can compare vivi and rebecca. vivi accepted the queen-dom and decide not to join the crew. so, its possible that rebecca too might not join the strawhats. but Kyros is there in the dressrosa arc, maybe he can become the king.On top it ,the chapter was titled 'soldier san-s decision'.
  •  A couple of chapters ago, in a small clip we see a navy ship approaching, many thought it was garp, but was The arrival of "sengoku-the buddha". Everybody knows that Sengoku is a purely justified man, he never lets the injustice prevail. This could imply that he will not let the luffy+law crew get punished. they freed the country from the monarch-ist clutches,made space for freedom..helped the common folk. I think he might protect them by convincing fujitora and tsuru not to catch them. but it's rarely possible bcz akainu is the navy head and none in the navy can defy him.
  • I know it's quite obvious ,but still i would make it a point here, the presence of  kanjuro and kinemon. with them being around, i guess they will introduce the straw hats to the next arc, either zou or wano. this makes an even stronger connect between doflamingo and kaidou apart from just the devil fruits.
  • The king of other country(punching man) was talking about scarlett's stubborness ; maybe she didn't want rebecca to become a queen or something.. though its quite hypothetical.
  • The involvement of Bartholomeo, it's quite amazing to watch him each and every time and i think oda will never make his character just end to a full stop, i guess he's for sure, the next strawhat, the kind of arrangement he and the Colosseum fighters(cavendish,happo navy,..) made was such organized, it would be good to see them travel with the strawhats+law for a while, instead of seeing them resist marines at dressrosa. In the mangafox(derived from mangastream) translation they're even being referred as "allies".
  • Luffy asks bellamy to stand, implying that luffy wants him to join the crew, it makes perfect sense, he's totally without a will now and has found a friend now with whom he can start anew, but i doubt his compatibility with the other strawhats. its still not certain but he could exist as allies for SHs.
  • One more thing to note is, with the completio of dressrosa arc, an other of usopp's lies came true,'having 8000.. something followers' as God Usopp. it was such fantastic to watch his lies come true, i hope the rest of his lies too come true.
I guess this makes the 'most' part of this weeks's manga, if you think i left something; do let me know in the comments below and don't forget to follow my reviews every week because i bring in a detailed review of manga (every week,probably a day or two later)  , taking note of facts various places in detail.

Monday 3 August 2015

One piece manga 795 review


This week's chapter was a 4.5/5. With such long paused/much anxious story lines, it never stood short of thrill.

There were a lot of events in this chapter, lets discuss them in sequence;

  • Fujitora expresses his unlikeliness to capture the Strawhats+Law.
          There's no guarantee to fujitora supporting the strawhats. He might have something in mind, or he could just support the strawhats officially denying red dog akainu unlike smoker paving a way for pure justice. but that makes his role come to a standstill as he'd have nowhere to go. he could join the revolutionaries but i dont think he'd do so. it remains to be seen of what he does
  • The happo navy and the strawhat supporters are seen praising the strawhats.
        Well, this indicates that they might possibly align to the strawhats. We also knew that strawhats will be returning to the royal palace in a day or so. i guess they will travel along together as they dont even have the Thousand sunny now. or maybe Bellamy will help them get out of dressrosa, there's a possibility that strawhats might encounter the cp0. When, these guys might resist the cp0. 
  • Rebecca is seen saying about the absence of strawhats, before getting asked by her granpa to become princess.
        One thing is certain, Rebecca is not going to join the strawhats. or maybe , she'd reject her grandpa right on his face and join strawhats unlike vivi at alabasta. 

  • We see "curly hats"(XD) we see chopper saying some important things at different instances, after landing on a kaido island( bcz we see a similar jolly roger)
          First up, when caeser debates about landing on the island, chopper says,” Hurry, we might have chance to save them, It’s nice that we have landed on this island.” Well, this statement is hypothetical as we don’t know who is “they” in that statement.

Secondly , at the scene end, he instructs the other curly hats to hurry and come down to there to show them a certain someone who probably has a kaidou jolly roger. It would be funny to see nami and chopper get freaked out on seeing the jolly roger.

  •  We see the sheep guy ask the curly hats on how they entered the island.

      I guess they used some method to invade the island or maybe the mysterious girl helped them get in. this is sure a matter of curiosity.
  • We also see the sheep guy and co. talk about capturing a samurai.

    I’m pretty sure that the samurai they are talking about is ‘momonosuke’ because oda has transformed momo to a dragon by making him eat the devil fruit. I guess he’ll introduce something unique to momonosuke. 

  •  Strawhats against kaido.

Well, we already know that they are against kaido in the alliance, but this will be the first time that they face one on one(with kaido’s underlings) bcz, chopper at the end spots a mysterious kaido crew guy(probably).
  •              Kidd and co. alliance against kaido

 With kaido falling out of nowhere in front of their alliance, they would be the unluckiest of all. Kaido is probably tired of the worst generation of pirates and blames Whitebeard for saying that one line that ‘one piece really exists’
With luffy+law alliance taking out Joker (aka doflamingo) and kidd alliance appearing in front of him, kaido will be real mad. But it isn’t certain that he will go against kidd alliance. He could be allies with them in taking out Shanks(though its rare)
  •          Kaido declaring a war.

This is absolutely in-discuss able……. Words of such astonishment appeared out of nowhere.

This would probably conclude this chap’s review of everything. A lot of things are uncertain. Nevertheless the dressrosa arc has just ended. Two things are crucial, the actions of navy and that of cp0. And there’s something else about big mom and al-capone. Maybe they want to capture Caesar… remains to be seen on what happens. the kaido episode sure came out as surprise...

Let me know in the comments below on what you think is going to happen to the pirate world in the coming days.