Saturday 16 January 2016

Zoro's swords up to date

Zoro's swords

Well....Zoro's swords have been changing since the beginning. As all of you know, Zoro uses Santoryuu (three sword style). the combination of swords have been changing from the beginning...which might sound quite a while ago. Don't worry, here below i will put down the "life history" of his swords.

Before saying Zoro's story of swords, i will say you how the swords are rated. I will start with something called "Meito". it simple words, defined as the status of a sword. But there is more to it. 

  • "Often warriors who lose in battle would have their meito taken from them by the victor, thus losing their honor alongside it as to lose a meito is to disrespect the honor of wielding it."

Rating of swords

Starting from Most skillful to the least skillfull, they are rated  as;;

12 Saijo O Wazamono Grade Swords.

These are the most skillful swords. There are twelve Supreme Grade Swords. The known swords in this category are two ;

  1. Yoru:- As you might know, this sword is used by Dracule Mihawk. Many believe that it's the demon slayer sword. 
  2. Shodai Kitetsu:- This sword hasn't been shown yet in the story but was mentioned. 
Note: Kitetsu swords are a range of swords made by Kitetsu himself. All the swords made by him are said to be cursed and are known to bring a horrible death to the users. some people say that demons live in the swords.

21 O Wazamono Grade Swords.

These are second in line in the hierarchy and are 21 in number. The known ones are;

  1. Wado Ichimonji- given by kuina to zoro
  2. Shusui- Given by Ryuma to zoro
  3. Nidai Kitetsu- This isn't shown yet, but like shodai kitetsu, was mentioned and was made by kitetsu himself and is also cursed.

50 Ryo Wazamono Grade Swords

These swords are third in ranking and are fifty in number. the known ones include;
  1. Kashu;- Taken by Tashigi from Mr.11 of barouque works.
2. Yubashiri:- actually belonged to the sword shopkeeper's(Ippon matsu) family, he handed it over to zoro.
3. Yamaoroshi:- It was taken by Tashigi from billy at Loguetown.

Wazamono Grade Swords

These are fourth in hierarchy.known ones include;
  • Shigure;- used by tashigi

  • Sandai kitetsu:- given by Ippon matsu(shopkeeper) to Zoro

 Story of Zoro's swords:-

  • In the beginning, zoro got the Wado Ichimonji sword which belonged to kuina,by asking her dad(Zoro's master). till today zoro uses it with utmost importance and keeps it in his mouth while, to sum up, he had the wado ichimonji and two normal swords.

  • During the Baratie Arc, while fighting Mihawk, his two conventional swords get broken in a flash, by Mihawk. However, Wado ichimonji remains.

  • During Loguetown Arc, Zoro gets into a sword shop. he doesn't have money. at a corner in a barrel, lie many cheap swords. it then gets revealed that they are cheap because they are cursed and cause the user's death. but, zoro liked a sword. it was the Sandai Kitetsu. Zoro then tests his luck by throwing it in the air and see whether it cuts his hand or not , to test his luck. 

He was lucky and his hand didn't get cut off. so, he keeps it. seeing the spirit of a true swordsman in zoro, Ippon matsu(shop keeper) gives him the sword of their family heirloom ...the " Yubashiri". so, to sum up after loguetown, he had three swords. the Wado ichimonji, Sandai kitetsu and the Yubashiri.
  1. Wado Ichimonji (21 o wazamono)
  2. Sandai kitetsu (wazamono)
  3. Yubashiri ( 50 Ryo wazamono)

  • During the Enies lobby arc, Shu destroys Yubashiri.

  • During the thriller bark arc, he faces Ryuma's zombie who had Brook's shadow. Zoro fights and defeats him. Watching zoro's spirit and the fact that he lost, Ryuma passes on his sword to Zoro. this sword was "Shusui". Yubashiri got replaced by Shusui. So,to sum up, he now has Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui 
    Zoro catching Shusui, given by Ryuma.
  1. Wado Ichimonji (21 o wazamono)
  2. Sandai Kitetsu  (wazamono)
  3. Shusui  (21 o wazamono)
  • This was his final combination in Santoryu.

  • Mihawk has the Yoru, which is of the "12 saijo wazamono" level. so i guess, for zoro to become Mihawk level, he should get the sword, "Shodai Kitetsu" which is also of the "12 saijo wazamono" level. 
  • Zoro now has Sandai Kitetsu of the Kitetsu blades. I guess , sometime in the story,he will get Nidai kitetsu and finally the Shodai Kitetsu.  
  • Some people predict that one of the Gorosei has a Kitetsu blade. it may be true..might be nidai or shodai
Anyways, Wano arc is up ahead.. and is called as the land of samuris. hope we get to know a lot there about swords. this brings an end to my theory. hope you all liked it.